Online scheduling is a significant branch of patient management software,
but it is also traditionally one of the more difficult processes to effectively
computerize. Orange Management Solutions has one of the best (if not the
best) scheduling packages in the medical software systems business. Our
automated medical office software features a scheduling system that has been
refined over two decades. Staff efficency and staff productivity are greatly
increased by these enhancements and refinements.
Using our practice management software's online scheduling system,
appointments for patient visits, surgery, technical staff and office tests can
be easily and efficiently performed at any terminal in or outside the office.
Our user customized parameters allow you to predetermine the number, type and
timing of visits for each provider or piece of equipment. The scheduling
template for each physician, tech, or device can be varied by hour, day, week,
month or year. Our HIPAA compliant software gives you the opportunity to
schedule appointments or use automated recall for an unlimited time into the
future. This online scheduling software was designed to, and gives you, these
benefits which result in improved resource utilization.
Our medical information system generates pull lists for the day prior to
the visit, to assist personnel in looking up any referral letters or other
paper records. For fast and efficient paperflow, you have the ability to print
an encounter sheet as each patient checks in, or to print all encounter forms
for a schedule. To provide increased cash flow, account balances display on the
form so that front desk personnel can request payment of past due balances.
If you need help organizing your non-patient activities, our automated
medical office will assist you in maintaining executive tasks not related to
patient care, that is, attending conferences, lectures, manuscript or speech
preparation, et cetera. Administrative schedules are maintained by date, event
type, and employee, to assist in overall scheduling.
Phone: (315) 422-2020
Copyright Orange Management
Solutions 2006